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idintegerThis keypair's unique ID
access_keystringThis keypair's access key. This is not secret.
bucket_accessarrayDefines this key as a Limited Access Key. Limited Access Keys restrict this Object Storage key's access to only the bucket(s) declared in this array and define their bucket-level permissions.

Limited Access Keys can:

list all buckets available on this Account, but cannot perform any actions on a bucket unless it has access to the bucket.

create new buckets, but do not have any access to the buckets it creates, unless explicitly given access to them.

Note: You can create an Object Storage Limited Access Key without access to any buckets.
This is achieved by sending a request with an empty bucket_access array.

Note: If this field is omitted, a regular unlimited access key is issued.
labelstringThe label given to this key. For display purposes only.
limitedbooleanWhether or not this key is a limited access key. Will return false if this key grants full access to all buckets on the user's account.
secret_keystringThis keypair's secret key. Only returned on key creation.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getObjectStorageKeySELECTkeyIdReturns a single Object Storage Key provisioned for your account.
getObjectStorageKeysSELECTReturns a paginated list of Object Storage Keys for authenticating to
the Object Storage S3 API.
createObjectStorageKeysINSERTProvisions a new Object Storage Key on your account.

Accounts with negative balances cannot access this command.

To create a Limited Access Key with specific permissions, send a bucket_access array.

To create a Limited Access Key without access to any buckets, send an empty bucket_access array.

* To create an Access Key with unlimited access to all clusters and all buckets, omit the bucket_access array.
deleteObjectStorageKeyDELETEkeyIdRevokes an Object Storage Key. This keypair will no longer be usable by third-party clients.
_getObjectStorageKeyEXECkeyIdReturns a single Object Storage Key provisioned for your account.
_getObjectStorageKeysEXECReturns a paginated list of Object Storage Keys for authenticating to
the Object Storage S3 API.
updateObjectStorageKeyEXECkeyIdUpdates an Object Storage Key on your account.