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active_sincestringThe datetime of when the account was activated.
address_1stringFirst line of this Account's billing address.
address_2stringSecond line of this Account's billing address.
balancenumberThis Account's balance, in US dollars.
balance_uninvoicednumberThis Account's current estimated invoice in US dollars. This is not your final invoice balance. Transfer charges are not included in the estimate.
billing_sourcestringThe source of service charges for this Account, as determined by its relationship with Akamai.
Accounts that are associated with Akamai-specific customers return a value of akamai.
All other Accounts return a value of linode.
capabilitiesarrayA list of capabilities your account supports.
citystringThe city for this Account's billing address.
companystringThe company name associated with this Account.
countrystringThe two-letter ISO 3166 country code of this Account's billing address.
credit_cardobjectCredit Card information associated with this Account.
emailstringThe email address of the person associated with this Account.
euuidstringAn external unique identifier for this account.
first_namestringThe first name of the person associated with this Account.
last_namestringThe last name of the person associated with this Account.
phonestringThe phone number associated with this Account.
statestringIf billing address is in the United States (US) or Canada (CA), only the two-letter ISO 3166 State or Province code are accepted. If entering a US military address, state abbreviations (AA, AE, AP) should be entered. If the address is outside the US or CA, this is the Province associated with the Account's billing address.
tax_idstringThe tax identification number associated with this Account, for tax calculations in some countries. If you do not live in a country that collects tax, this should be an empty string ("").
zipstringThe zip code of this Account's billing address. The following restrictions apply:

- May only consist of letters, numbers, spaces, and hyphens.
- Must not contain more than 9 letter or number characters.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getAccountSELECTReturns the contact and billing information related to your Account.
_getAccountEXECReturns the contact and billing information related to your Account.
cancelAccountEXECCancels an active Linode account. This action will cause Linode to attempt to charge the credit card on file for the remaining balance. An error will occur if Linode fails to charge the credit card on file. Restricted users will not be able to cancel an account.
updateAccountEXECUpdates contact and billing information related to your Account.