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idintegerA unique ID that can be used to identify and reference the Managed Database.
allow_listarrayA list of IP addresses that can access the Managed Database. Each item can be a single IP address or a range in CIDR format.

By default, this is an empty array ([]), which blocks all connections (both public and private) to the Managed Database.

If is a value in this list, then all IP addresses can access the Managed Database.
cluster_sizeintegerThe number of Linode Instance nodes deployed to the Managed Database.

Choosing 3 nodes creates a high availability cluster consisting of 1 primary node and 2 replica nodes.
createdstringWhen this Managed Database was created.
encryptedbooleanWhether the Managed Databases is encrypted.
enginestringThe Managed Database engine type.
hostsobjectThe primary and secondary hosts for the Managed Database. These are assigned after provisioning is complete.
instance_uristringAppend this to to run commands for the Managed Database.
labelstringA unique, user-defined string referring to the Managed Database.
regionstringThe Region ID for the Managed Database.
statusstringThe operating status of the Managed Database.
typestringThe Linode Instance type used by the Managed Database for its nodes.
updatedstringWhen this Managed Database was last updated.
updatesobjectConfiguration settings for automated patch update maintenance for the Managed Database.
versionstringThe Managed Database engine version.


NameAccessible byRequired Params