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ipv4objectInformation about this Linode's IPv4 addresses.
ipv6objectInformation about this Linode's IPv6 addresses.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getLinodeIPSELECTaddress, linodeIdView information about the specified IP address associated with the specified Linode.
getLinodeIPsSELECTlinodeIdReturns networking information for a single Linode.
addLinodeIPINSERTlinodeId, data__public, data__typeAllocates a public or private IPv4 address to a Linode. Public IP Addresses, after the one included with each Linode, incur an additional monthly charge. If you need an additional public IP Address you must request one - please open a support ticket. You may not add more than one private IPv4 address to a single Linode.
removeLinodeIPDELETEaddress, linodeIdDeletes a public or private IPv4 address associated with this Linode. This will fail if it is the Linode's last remaining public IPv4 address.
_getLinodeIPEXECaddress, linodeIdView information about the specified IP address associated with the specified Linode.
_getLinodeIPsEXEClinodeIdReturns networking information for a single Linode.
updateLinodeIPEXECaddress, linodeId, data__rdnsUpdates a the reverse DNS (RDNS) for a particular IP Address associated with this Linode.

Setting the RDNS to null for a public IPv4 address, resets it to the default "" RDNS value.