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idintegerThe unique ID of this StackScript.
descriptionstringA description for the StackScript.
createdstringThe date this StackScript was created.
deployments_activeintegerCount of currently active, deployed Linodes created from this StackScript.
deployments_totalintegerThe total number of times this StackScript has been deployed.
imagesarrayAn array of Image IDs. These are the Images that can be deployed with this StackScript.

any/all indicates that all available Images, including private Images, are accepted.
is_publicbooleanThis determines whether other users can use your StackScript. Once a StackScript is made public, it cannot be made private.
labelstringThe StackScript's label is for display purposes only.
minebooleanReturns true if this StackScript is owned by the account of the user making the request, and the user
making the request is unrestricted or has access to this StackScript.
rev_notestringThis field allows you to add notes for the set of revisions made to this StackScript.
scriptstringThe script to execute when provisioning a new Linode with this StackScript.
updatedstringThe date this StackScript was last updated.
user_defined_fieldsarrayThis is a list of fields defined with a special syntax inside this StackScript that allow for supplying customized parameters during deployment. See Declare User-Defined Fields (UDFs) for more information.
user_gravatar_idstringThe Gravatar ID for the User who created the StackScript.
usernamestringThe User who created the StackScript.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getStackScriptSELECTstackscriptIdReturns all of the information about a specified StackScript, including the contents of the script.
getStackScriptsSELECTIf the request is not authenticated, only public StackScripts are returned.

For more information on StackScripts, please read our StackScripts documentation.
addStackScriptINSERTdata__images, data__label, data__scriptCreates a StackScript in your Account.
deleteStackScriptDELETEstackscriptIdDeletes a private StackScript you have permission to read_write. You cannot delete a public StackScript.
_getStackScriptEXECstackscriptIdReturns all of the information about a specified StackScript, including the contents of the script.
_getStackScriptsEXECIf the request is not authenticated, only public StackScripts are returned.

For more information on StackScripts, please read our StackScripts documentation.
updateStackScriptEXECstackscriptIdUpdates a StackScript.

Once a StackScript is made public, it cannot be made private.