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idintegerThis Contact's unique ID.
namestringThe name of this Contact.
emailstringThe address to email this Contact to alert them of issues.
groupstringA grouping for this Contact. This is for display purposes only.
phoneobjectInformation about how to reach this Contact by phone.
updatedstringWhen this Contact was last updated.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getManagedContactSELECTcontactIdReturns a single Managed Contact.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
getManagedContactsSELECTReturns a paginated list of Managed Contacts on your Account.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
createManagedContactINSERTCreates a Managed Contact. A Managed Contact is someone Linode
special forces can contact in the course of attempting to resolve an issue
with a Managed Service.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
deleteManagedContactDELETEcontactIdDeletes a Managed Contact.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
_getManagedContactEXECcontactIdReturns a single Managed Contact.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
_getManagedContactsEXECReturns a paginated list of Managed Contacts on your Account.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
updateManagedContactEXECcontactIdUpdates information about a Managed Contact.
This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.