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idintegerThis Credential's unique ID.
labelstringThe unique label for this Credential. This is for display purposes only.
last_decryptedstringThe date this Credential was last decrypted by a member of Linode special forces.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getManagedCredentialSELECTcredentialIdReturns a single Managed Credential.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
getManagedCredentialsSELECTReturns a paginated list of Managed Credentials on your Account.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
createManagedCredentialINSERTdata__label, data__passwordCreates a Managed Credential. A Managed Credential is stored securely
to allow Linode special forces to access your Managed Services and resolve

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
_getManagedCredentialEXECcredentialIdReturns a single Managed Credential.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
_getManagedCredentialsEXECReturns a paginated list of Managed Credentials on your Account.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
_viewManagedSSHKeyEXECReturns the unique SSH public key assigned to your Linode account's
Managed service. If you add this public key to a Linode on your account,
Linode special forces will be able to log in to the Linode with this key
when attempting to resolve issues.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
deleteManagedCredentialEXECcredentialIdDeletes a Managed Credential. Linode special forces will no longer
have access to this Credential when attempting to resolve issues.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
updateManagedCredentialEXECcredentialIdUpdates the label of a Managed Credential. This endpoint does not update the username and password for a Managed Credential. To do this, use the Managed Credential Username and Password Update (POST /managed/credentials/{credentialId}/update) endpoint instead.
This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
updateManagedCredentialUsernamePasswordEXECcredentialId, data__passwordUpdates the username and password for a Managed Credential.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
viewManagedSSHKeyEXECReturns the unique SSH public key assigned to your Linode account's
Managed service. If you add this public key to a Linode on your account,
Linode special forces will be able to log in to the Linode with this key
when attempting to resolve issues.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.