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idintegerThis Service's unique ID.
addressstringThe URL at which this Service is monitored.

URL parameters such as ?no-cache=1 are preserved.

URL fragments/anchors such as #monitor are not preserved.
bodystringWhat to expect to find in the response body for the Service to be considered up.
consultation_groupstringThe group of ManagedContacts who should be notified or consulted with when an Issue is detected.
createdstringWhen this Managed Service was created.
credentialsarrayAn array of ManagedCredential IDs that should be used when attempting to resolve issues with this Service.
labelstringThe label for this Service. This is for display purposes only.
notesstringAny information relevant to the Service that Linode special forces should know when attempting to resolve Issues.
regionstringThe Region in which this Service is located. This is required if address is a private IP, and may not be set otherwise.
service_typestringHow this Service is monitored.
statusstringThe current status of this Service.
timeoutintegerHow long to wait, in seconds, for a response before considering the Service to be down.
updatedstringWhen this Managed Service was last updated.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getManagedServiceSELECTserviceIdReturns information about a single Managed Service on your Account.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
getManagedServicesSELECTReturns a paginated list of Managed Services on your Account. These
are the services Linode Managed is monitoring and will report and attempt
to resolve issues with.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
createManagedServiceINSERTdata__address, data__label, data__service_type, data__timeoutCreates a Managed Service. Linode Managed will begin monitoring this
service and reporting and attempting to resolve any Issues.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
deleteManagedServiceDELETEserviceIdDeletes a Managed Service. This service will no longer be monitored by
Linode Managed.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
_getManagedServiceEXECserviceIdReturns information about a single Managed Service on your Account.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
_getManagedServicesEXECReturns a paginated list of Managed Services on your Account. These
are the services Linode Managed is monitoring and will report and attempt
to resolve issues with.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
disableManagedServiceEXECserviceIdTemporarily disables monitoring of a Managed Service.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
enableManagedServiceEXECserviceIdEnables monitoring of a Managed Service.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.
updateManagedServiceEXECserviceIdUpdates information about a Managed Service.

This command can only be accessed by the unrestricted users of an account.