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idintegerThis NodeBalancer's unique ID.
client_conn_throttleintegerThrottle connections per second. Set to 0 (zero) to disable throttling.
createdstringWhen this NodeBalancer was created.
hostnamestringThis NodeBalancer's hostname, beginning with its IP address and ending with
ipv4stringThis NodeBalancer's public IPv4 address.
ipv6stringThis NodeBalancer's public IPv6 address.
labelstringThis NodeBalancer's label. These must be unique on your Account.
regionstringThe Region where this NodeBalancer is located. NodeBalancers only support backends in the same Region.
tagsarrayAn array of Tags applied to this object. Tags are for organizational purposes only.
transferobjectInformation about the amount of transfer this NodeBalancer has had so far this month.
updatedstringWhen this NodeBalancer was last updated.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getNodeBalancerSELECTnodeBalancerIdReturns a single NodeBalancer you can access.
getNodeBalancersSELECTReturns a paginated list of NodeBalancers you have access to.
createNodeBalancerINSERTdata__regionCreates a NodeBalancer in the requested Region.

NodeBalancers require a port Config with at least one backend Node to start serving requests.

When using the Linode CLI to create a NodeBalancer, first create a NodeBalancer without any Configs. Then, create Configs and Nodes for that NodeBalancer with the respective Config Create and Node Create commands.
deleteNodeBalancerDELETEnodeBalancerIdDeletes a NodeBalancer.

This is a destructive action and cannot be undone.

Deleting a NodeBalancer will also delete all associated Configs and Nodes, although the backend servers represented by the Nodes will not be changed or removed. Deleting a NodeBalancer will cause you to lose access to the IP Addresses assigned to this NodeBalancer.
_getNodeBalancerEXECnodeBalancerIdReturns a single NodeBalancer you can access.
_getNodeBalancersEXECReturns a paginated list of NodeBalancers you have access to.
updateNodeBalancerEXECnodeBalancerIdUpdates information about a NodeBalancer you can access.