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idintegerThis authorization's ID, used for revoking access.
expirystringWhen the app's access to your account expires. If null, the app's access must be revoked manually.
labelstringThe name of the application you've authorized.
scopesstringThe OAuth scopes this app was authorized with. This defines what parts of your Account the app is allowed to access.
thumbnail_urlstringThe URL at which this app's thumbnail may be accessed.
websitestringThe website where you can get more information about this app.
createdstringWhen this app was authorized.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getProfileAppSELECTappIdReturns information about a single app you've authorized to access your Account.
getProfileAppsSELECTThis is a collection of OAuth apps that you've given access to your Account, and includes the level of access granted.
deleteProfileAppDELETEappIdExpires this app token. This token may no longer be used to access your Account.
_getProfileAppEXECappIdReturns information about a single app you've authorized to access your Account.
_getProfileAppsEXECThis is a collection of OAuth apps that you've given access to your Account, and includes the level of access granted.