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NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getTagsSELECTTags are User-defined labels attached to objects in your Account, such as Linodes. They are used for specifying and grouping attributes of objects that are relevant to the User.

This endpoint returns a paginated list of Tags on your account.
createTagINSERTdata__labelCreates a new Tag and optionally tags requested objects with it immediately.

Important: You must be an unrestricted User in order to add or modify Tags.
deleteTagDELETElabelRemove a Tag from all objects and delete it.

Important: You must be an unrestricted User in order to add or modify Tags.
_getTagsEXECTags are User-defined labels attached to objects in your Account, such as Linodes. They are used for specifying and grouping attributes of objects that are relevant to the User.

This endpoint returns a paginated list of Tags on your account.