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idintegerThis Kubernetes cluster's unique ID.
createdstringWhen this Kubernetes cluster was created.
k8s_versionstringThe desired Kubernetes version for this Kubernetes cluster in the format of <major>.<minor>, and the latest supported patch version will be deployed.
labelstringThis Kubernetes cluster's unique label for display purposes only.
Labels have the following constraints:

UTF-8 characters will be returned by the API using escape
sequences of their Unicode code points. For example, the
Japanese character
is 3 bytes in UTF-8 (0xE382AB). Its
Unicode code point is 2 bytes (0x30AB). APIv4 supports this
character and the API will return it as the escape sequence
using six 1 byte characters which represent 2 bytes of Unicode
code point ("\u30ab").
4 byte UTF-8 characters are not supported.
* If the label is entirely composed of UTF-8 characters, the API
response will return the code points using up to 193 1 byte
regionstringThis Kubernetes cluster's location.
tagsarrayAn array of tags applied to the Kubernetes cluster. Tags are for organizational purposes only.
updatedstringWhen this Kubernetes cluster was updated.
control_planeobjectDefines settings for the Kubernetes Control Plane. Allows for the enabling of High Availability (HA) for Control Plane Components. Enabling High Avaialability for LKE is an irreversible change.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getLKEClusterSELECTclusterIdGet a specific Cluster by ID.
getLKEClustersSELECTLists current Kubernetes clusters available on your account.
createLKEClusterINSERTdata__k8s_version, data__label, data__node_pools, data__regionCreates a Kubernetes cluster. The Kubernetes cluster will be created
asynchronously. You can use the events system to determine when the
Kubernetes cluster is ready to use. Please note that it often takes 2-5 minutes before the
Kubernetes API server endpoint and
the Kubeconfig file for the new cluster
are ready.
deleteLKEClusterDELETEclusterIdDeletes a Cluster you have permission to read_write.

Deleting a Cluster is a destructive action and cannot be undone.

Deleting a Cluster:
- Deletes all Linodes in all pools within this Kubernetes cluster
- Deletes all supporting Kubernetes services for this Kubernetes
cluster (API server, etcd, etc)
- Deletes all NodeBalancers created by this Kubernetes cluster
- Does not delete any of the volumes created by this Kubernetes
_getLKEClusterEXECclusterIdGet a specific Cluster by ID.
_getLKEClustersEXECLists current Kubernetes clusters available on your account.
postLKECServiceTokenDeleteEXECclusterIdDelete and regenerate the service account token for a Cluster.

Note: When regenerating a service account token, the Cluster's control plane components and Linode CSI drivers are also restarted and configured with the new token. High Availability Clusters should not experience any disruption, while standard Clusters may experience brief control plane downtime while components are restarted.
postLKEClusterRecycleEXECclusterIdRecycles all nodes in all pools of a designated Kubernetes Cluster. All Linodes within the Cluster will be deleted
and replaced with new Linodes on a rolling basis, which may take several minutes. Replacement Nodes are
installed with the latest available patch version for the Cluster's current Kubernetes minor release.

Any local storage on deleted Linodes (such as "hostPath" and "emptyDir" volumes, or "local" PersistentVolumes) will be erased.
postLKEClusterRegenerateEXECclusterIdRegenerate the Kubeconfig file and/or the service account token for a Cluster.

This is a helper command that allows performing both the Kubeconfig Delete and the Service Token Delete actions with a single request.

When using this command, at least one of kubeconfig or servicetoken is required.

Note: When regenerating a service account token, the Cluster's control plane components and Linode CSI drivers are also restarted and configured with the new token. High Availability Clusters should not experience any disruption, while standard Clusters may experience brief control plane downtime while components are restarted.
putLKEClusterEXECclusterIdUpdates a Kubernetes cluster.