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idstringThe Node's ID.
instance_idintegerThe Linode's ID. If no Linode is currently provisioned for this Node, this is null.
statusstringThe creation status of this Node. This status is distinct from this Node's readiness as a Kubernetes Node Object as determined by the command kubectl get nodes.

not_ready indicates that the Linode is still being created.

ready indicates that the Linode has successfully been created and is running Kubernetes software.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getLKEClusterNodeSELECTclusterId, nodeIdReturns the values for a specified node object.
deleteLKEClusterNodeDELETEclusterId, nodeIdDeletes a specific Node from a Node Pool.

Deleting a Node is a destructive action and cannot be undone.

Deleting a Node will reduce the size of the Node Pool it belongs to.
_getLKEClusterNodeEXECclusterId, nodeIdReturns the values for a specified node object.
postLKEClusterNodeRecycleEXECclusterId, nodeIdRecycles an individual Node in the designated Kubernetes Cluster. The Node will be deleted
and replaced with a new Linode, which may take a few minutes. Replacement Nodes are
installed with the latest available patch for the Cluster's Kubernetes Version.

Any local storage on deleted Linodes (such as "hostPath" and "emptyDir" volumes, or "local" PersistentVolumes) will be erased.